Steel Panther at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on March 31, 2023.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
Friday night at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln the rock and roll circus came to town in the form of Steel Panther. It was a hide your daughters and wives kind of event, and while you’re at it…maybe your grandma too. This was my first time seeing/covering Steel Panther. I am very aware of who they are and have listened to their music before. They are unapologetic about who they are. Love them or hate them, they are a force to be reckoned with. They are entertainers that come with a no holds barred attitude. They are giving you all they got to make sure you get your money’s worth.
One thing that I’d also like to clarify they are also great musicians. All very solid at the instruments they play but for me, Satchel, steals the show with his playing ability. I would say he’s one of the most underrated guitar players out there. And Michael Starr on lead vocals in no slouch either. He’s got the perfect 80’s metal voice hitting all the notes. Stix Zadinia on drums is very solid, and carried his own on the keyboards too. And last but not least, Spyder on bass. The newest member, joining in 2021, does a great job.
There’s a lot to be said about bands that take themselves too seriously. Steel Panther will never be accused of that. They are here to play some rock and roll and have as much fun as they can at the same time. And while they are not for everyone, they know who they are and play to those strengths. The songs are catchy, they are very funny, and they know how to entertain. In a world where sometimes you need to maybe watch a movie about nothing just to laugh and forget about all the world’s problems. In the music realm you have Steel Panther to help you forget those problems. Just go, listen, and laugh…they don’t have an agenda…just to entertain you and help you have a good night out. They are perfect for that. If you get the chance check them out. You will be entertained, one way or another.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2023.
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